
Pi-hole setup with High Availablity

This is a step by step guide to set up Pi-hole in a high availability environment. Previously I was using a lone Raspberry Pi 3B to run Pi-hole. The issue with this setup was, if that pi went down,...

LXC: First commands on a new Debian CT

A list of the first commands I run on a new Debian LXC to homogenize and secure my new environment. Utilities apt update && apt upgrade -y apt install curl nano openssl rsync fail2ban...

Start a SPA and it's API in one click

I’ve been using start or jump scripts for a long time to start up my API and SPA at the same time. With project TYE on the horizon, I thought I would share more about my more simplistic, “poor man”...

ASP.Net Core initial server setup

I wanted to document some important steps I take setting up a new server for hosting ASP.Net Core apps. These steps change over time as versions and features change, but this post will serve as a g...

Creating a super Outlook SPAM Rule

After signing up for several virtual conferences in 2020, I noticed my work inbox was becoming inundated with junk email. Now this being my work email, I don’t use it for any personal correspondenc...

Adding build versions in Angular

Have you ever found yourself wondering which version of an SPA is running when you pull up your site? This was a problem I wanted to answer in my Angular SPA. Utilizing the npm version command in m...

Hello World!

Finally, I have a blog set up. Hello World I decided to use Jekyll and GitHub Pages to host this blog. It’s very easy and mostly automated, and it allows me to focus on content, rather than the h...